[?-]: How could we use EPLAN Data Portal or other way?

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[?-]: How could we use EPLAN Data Portal or other way?

Post by xflash » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:52 am

It seems that EPLAN data portal covers all the data we need, but we could use it. Most time of our work is making macros, even not making macros costs great mount of time......

So is there any easier way to do so? How could you do this job. Maybe making macros could save time in the future, but the pro panel is 3D data, very hard to make. Is there any database to download, it could save great mount of time, so is our life!

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Re: How could we use EPLAN Data Portal or other way?

Post by sadefa » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:10 pm

xflash wrote:It seems that EPLAN data portal covers all the data we need, but we could use it. Most time of our work is making macros, even not making macros costs great mount of time......

So is there any easier way to do so? How could you do this job. Maybe making macros could save time in the future, but the pro panel is 3D data, very hard to make. Is there any database to download, it could save great mount of time, so is our life!
You need a valid license with paid annual tax in order to have access to the DB. Sorry...