Schneider Electric's HMIGTO4310 - cleaning DRAM - locked (bricked) HMI

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Schneider Electric's HMIGTO4310 - cleaning DRAM - locked (bricked) HMI

Post by cool_runnin » Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:28 pm


I have got the Schneider Electric's HMIGTO 4310 panel.
Unfortunately it was initialised and older firmware was loaded to a newer version of product which caused it to be bricked now.
The panel is now stuck at loading runtime just shortly after powering up.

The problem is known and is described here:

Since Schneider claims the only official resolution for that is to return locked panel on guarantee or send it for exclusive SE repair factory in Carros (France) I am wondering if I could do something by myself to re-initialize it.

I am wondering if I could replace or clear in some way the DRAM.
But I have no idea which electronic component it might be on the board.
I am attaching the pic of main board below.
Maybe somebody encountered the similar issue and have found some way to bring it back to life again ?
