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Unlock Pro Face GP37W2

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:23 pm
by elcarnado
Hi all!
I need upload project from the HMI Pro Face GP37W2, without original project. But the project blocked on password in India many years ago. The password can be only digital from 1 to 4 symbol. I wrote simply program, which click on 'upload' button and then types number into textfield. If password is incorrect, program decrements it and type again. But program checked all possible password from 0 to 9999 and the correct password was not found. Can anybody hellp me, please?
I used python, PyautoGui(simulate keyboard input) and PyWin32(detect which window is open now).
Main Window -
Paswword input -
Incorrect password -
Program output -
Program code

Code: Select all

import win32gui
import pyautogui
import time, os

RECEIVE_X = 965 #Coordinates X receive button
RECEIVE_Y = 60  #Coordinates Y receive button

def transfer():
    password = 9999 	 #Start password number
    w = win32gui
    while password >= 0: #End password number

        if w.GetWindowText(w.GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Save File':             #Window 'Save File' showing if password is correct

        elif w.GetWindowText(w.GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Transfer':            #On Transfer Window click on 'Upload' button
            time.sleep(8)											# time to connect HMI

        elif w.GetWindowText(w.GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Register Password': # In this window enter the current password
            print ('Try password %i' % password)
            pyautogui.typewrite(str(password), 0.1)
            if password % 20 == 0:											# log in file 
                f = open(u'D:\Proface_Brutforce\log.txt', 'a')
                f.write('Password = %i \n' % password)
        elif w.GetWindowText(w.GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Invalid Password!': #if password incorrect 
            password -= 1


Re: Unlock Pro Face GP37W2

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:53 am
by device111

is the PAssword 0010 not working? Long time ago a had the same Problem and I think there was a Backdor for PAsswords.

If its not working, try to call Pro-Face...there will help you.

Re: Unlock Pro Face GP37W2

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:13 pm
by elcarnado
device111 wrote:Hi,

is the PAssword 0010 not working? Long time ago a had the same Problem and I think there was a Backdor for PAsswords.

If its not working, try to call Pro-Face...there will help you.
No, paswword 0010 is not working. The standart password 1101 is not work too. Thank you, I will rewrite HMI program (

Re: Unlock Pro Face GP37W2

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:03 am
by hmohamed
Did you tried this website

they can have a solution for your problem

good luck